Episodic half-hour TV series about College-bound youth and the relationships and issues of life they encounter. (Drama, Entertainment)

Friday, December 17, 2010



We have officially (finally) finished production of Season two, which has already been airing since October. Other than a few pick up shots, we have wrapped up production. Post production (the editing and preparing the shows for air) continues at break neck speed.

I wanted to take this time to write in the blog and reflect back on this most challenging season. Letting you know my thoughts, feelings and share some of the triumphs and challenges we have had. (this will be an ongoing discussion that I will add to again and again). I'm not sure who reads this really, maybe it's more therapeutic for myself than anything, but here goes:

Seldom does anything you try to accomplish run smoothly. Add to that the attempt at trying to honor Christ and produce something that will touch lives and make a difference, and you're really asking for challenges. If it was easy, everybody would do it, and if the devil didn't try to stop you and if he abandoned his attacks at you and your family...well then..many more would do it still.

Without trying to over-spiritualize this, it has been a year of constant hurdles and attacks. From the very beginning, as I began framing up the script I encountered them. Since feeling God's prompting to begin the "Walk on Water" journey almost three years ago now, I have never once felt He wanted me to stop. You go until the job is finished. I've never heard of God calling a minister, pastor or evangelist to leave the mission field and become a plumber or to just go take it easy for a few years. That is how I feel about my calling as well. Yet I constantly pray for God's direction and timing.

I believe in challenging myself. I don't like doing the same thing over and over. That's just me. It can always be done a different or better way. Having worked in Christian TV for more years that I care to recall, I've seen what is mostly just a weak effort of "stamping out the same ole same ole" week after week, year after year. Take any Christian TV program, watch it. Now go back and look at the stuff they produced 10, 15, evern 20 years ago. Not much difference is there? Other than newer technology and fancy sets and props, there's no change. Same sermon, same begging, same poorly produced product.
Media (tv, music, movies) it's gotta be cutting edge, constantly changing and improving. You're "competing" for an audience's rather short attention span. You don't have 3o min. to an hour to just drag it out.
"Walk on Water" still has a long long way to go. Far from perfect. So my desire is to make each episode better than the previous one. I have failed at this more than I have succeeded. But I believe God's work deserves...no, it demands..to be excellent. It should be the best.

So we did what we could with little to no money to make it better. Season Two is far more entertaining than the first. I really hope the viewers think so anyway. Cause in the end, it really doesn't matter what I think. Most Christian TV programmers need to get that through their heads. I guess they think they are making a show for themselves to watch.

"Walk on Water" is aimed at youth (teen and young adults). In real life they are being bombarded with messages about hate, jealousy and lust. They are seeing erotic images and sexual situations portrayed before their very eyes even when they try to look the other way.
Kids are presented with the opportunity to take drugs in elementary school. They learn (the wrong way) about sex by the time they are 10. Their "gay" friends try to encourage them to participate in that lifestyle. Their straight friends tell them abortion is no big deal. And everyone (thanks to today's media of tv and movies) accepts the natural step to dating someone includes sexual intercourse on a regular basis if you expect the other person to want you to stick around. Marriage is mocked and given a bad wrap. After all, most kids' parents have failed at it and they have seen the fighting , anger and unhappiness that it produces every night in their own homes. Girls are fighting feelings of low self esteem. Cutting themselves. Feeling rejection. Doing unthinkable things and being exploited nearly to the point of rape by guys, just so they can feel a false sense of belonging.


Still love me? :-). I've had close friends to even question me. A few have tried to get me to tame it down with the show. PLEASE. Yes, we have pushed the envelope, just oh so slightly, with the second season of "Walk on Water" AND I HAVE ONLY JUST BEGUN. God didn't call me to produce a nursery rhyme. If the show is too strong for you then life is way way way too strong for you because this show is EXTREMELY TAME compared to world standards. In the words of one viewer of the show, he said: "If you ask me there's alot more envelope that needs pushing." I agree. Not for shock value, as secular TV would do , just to get ratings and viewers. No, I have a calling from God to be real, relevant and up front. To get the attention and offer a message or word of hope the to viewers. To those who have seen the first and second seasons of the show and understand (they get it) I thank you for standing by us. We definitely need your prayers. Of the many different kinds of attacks (and I will get into other kinds in future blogs), one of the most hurtful and very basic forms of attacks have been from "on the inside" . People who were even part of what we were doing at the beginning. Some who are a part of it even now. They are the ones the enemy often uses to try to dissuade you from the goal. From what God has put in your heart. Well, all I can say to that is if you see it should be done a different way, pray for me. Maybe its because God didn't call you to be part of it. Maybe God is calling you to do something different. Go with God, but DO NOT try to pull me into your calling or stop me from the one I'm on.

In closing. This is not meant as a blog entry or ranting and raving. Rather simply to share one of the challenges we have faced with the show. I will share more of the challenges in future blogs. Now, I don't do this to give glory or credit to the devil or to other's who hate what we are doing. Because you see, they didn't succeed. BUT GOD DID SUCCEED !!! That's where the glory is given. I'm just a vessel who is trying to be obedient and responsible with what God has entrusted me with.


Walk On Water TV Series Beach Youth Christian College Florida Clearwater Jesus Pregnancy Sex Marriage Addictions Sickness Death God Faith Religion MTV Television Youth Family Problems Abortion

Friday, December 3, 2010

Hope everyone is catching all the new episodes of Season 2. We are airing each episode 2 weeks in a row now until the end of the season. So if you miss an episode you can catch it the following week. We are winding down towards the end however. Don't miss a VERY SPECIAL episode coming around Christmas time. It is a departure from the normal type of episodes. It was filmed entirely on location out in the Ocala National Forrest. I believe you won't want to miss this different, sorta reality-style episode of WALK ON WATER . More on it later. As always, stay in touch at walkonwater.tv and through the facebook page.


Walk On Water TV Series Beach Youth Christian College Florida Clearwater Jesus Pregnancy Sex Marriage Addictions Sickness Death God Faith Religion MTV Television Youth Family Problems Abortion

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