Episodic half-hour TV series about College-bound youth and the relationships and issues of life they encounter. (Drama, Entertainment)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Well 2011 is coming to a close.  Just a few more days until its 2012 (Thank God!!)  I say this because, like many others, this past year has been a rough, trying time.  It's been immensely difficult to get anything off the ground from a financial standpoint.  Few are excited to invest or give financial support in this economy.  And it's not just  film and tv projects.  I deal with many ministries and all have reported record lows in financial support this year.  Everyone has been effected.

Currently, JCTV is the only TV Network airing the Walk on Water program, which is in reruns.  Due to costs and other time consuming factors, we decided to suspend all airings of the series until next year on other networks.

Regardless, we will continue by God's grace.  Walk on Water is not dead.  We will continue in some capacity in the near future.  There are currently two projects on the table we are pursing and we desire your prayers.

All profits from sales of Season 2 on DVD go towards future productions.  Please continue to help us by purchasing a DVD for yourself and your friends.  It can be a great ministry tool.

God Bless and have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Walk on Water

Walk On Water TV Series Beach Youth Christian College Florida Clearwater Jesus Pregnancy Sex Marriage Addictions Sickness Death God Faith Religion MTV Television Youth Family Problems Abortion

Sunday, September 25, 2011

SEASON TWO of  WALK ON WATER is Now available on DVD.

Please help us continue with the Television Series by purchasing a copy for yourself and for someone you know that needs to hear the message of God's Love and hope for youth.  


A TV special promoting the DVD set and discussing the show's future is airing all month of October 2011.

Walk On Water TV Series Beach Youth Christian College Florida Clearwater Jesus Pregnancy Sex Marriage Addictions Sickness Death God Faith Religion MTV Television Youth Family Problems Abortion

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Looking Back and Looking Ahead

First, I trust everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Years. Most of the country faced blizzards and snow. Even here in Florida there was pretty cold weather. Two more months of winter to go. :-)

Well, the second season of "Walk on Water" is fastly coming to a close. Post production will be finished soon and I am looking forward to concentrating on promotion and marketing - trying to get the series televised in more areas and gearing up to promote the series during re-airs.

Before I discuss the future for the series, I'd like to finish looking back on the trials and triumphs thus far:

In the previous blog I talked about some of the obstacles that came from people who for one reason or another tried to discourage us (btw, I wrote that blog after returning from a vehicle accident that night. An accident that delayed getting the latest episode completed on time, and cost me precious time and money). We even had a precious viewer to volunteer until she found flaws in the first season she didn't agree with and began to rebuke me as if we were pure evil. I did see that one coming as I knew she had ulterior motives to take over the ministry aspects of the production. Well God bless her. You live and learn. I'm far from perfect and admit to mistakes and things that maybe should have been done differently with certain episodes. But I cannot agree with "throwing the baby out with the bath water" so to speak or trying to remove the speck in someones eye when you have a log in your own. How often it is when someone is doing something positive for God or to help other people that someone else will find something negative about it to point out. I always ask them "well, what are you doing thats so great?". Lord I pray, let me be humble and open to correction and never prideful. :-)

Production of season 2 took much longer than we had planned and there were multiple scheduling conflicts, actors moving away before production was completed, and the poor economy impacting many who had to choose working to survive over making a TV series. Understandable, but very tough to produce and schedule when your actors are all going in different directions. So the miracle of it all is that we did complete the task. To God be the glory. I am extremely indebted to all the crew and actors who stuck with me and made huge sacrifices to finish the series.
I wanted to produce at least 12 episodes for season two rather than the 10 we did, but at the beginning of the year I remember thinking "if I can get 7 episodes produced in this poor economy it will be a blessing."
The final day of shooting was great..but a little eerie. We had 3 of our movie/tv lights to go out that day, one of which exploded so violently it burst the light fixture and broke the glass lens. I fought a bad head cold the entire weekend and at the end after we finished the final shot, I removed the (expensive) lens from the camera and it fell apart and the glass fell to the floor and shattered ! I remember me and several of the crew thinking it was almost as if God was saying: "I held this thing together long enough for you to finish". The entire day was a tangible reminder of the battle we faced to produce "Walk on Water".

With all the ups and downs, I wouldn't trade 2010 and the production of the show for anything. And I wouldn't change a thing that happened. Because with all of it: The triumphs AND the challenges, you learn, sharpen your wits and skills and are better prepared for whatever comes next. I wouldn't trade the friendships, the touching moments and the often moments of hysterical laughter that occured often throughout the year working on the series as well.

So what's in store for 2011? It's wide open. God only knows. But I cannot wait to see !!!

more later,

God Bless,

Rich Nation

Walk On Water TV Series Beach Youth Christian College Florida Clearwater Jesus Pregnancy Sex Marriage Addictions Sickness Death God Faith Religion MTV Television Youth Family Problems Abortion

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